Why wind energy?

Wind energy has been used for thousands of years. One of the first modern wind turbines was installed in Rutland, Vermont in the 1940s. Installations picked up significantly in the late 20th century after the oil crisis in the 1970s. In the last decade, the modern wind turbine design has continued to improve efficiencies and produce more energy per unit, bringing the levelized cost for clean wind energy to be less than the cost of burning traditional fossil fuels.

Maine has ambitious goals to achieve 100% clean energy by 2040. To meet this, it will require continued investment in clean, sustainable infrastructure while increasing investments in energy efficiency and electrification. Only by pursuing parallel paths will the State be able to meet its goals and contribute to slowing global climate change.

To learn more about Maine’s goals, its progress, and how climate change is already impacting the State, Click Here.

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